Firefox 的 logo 上趴着的不是 Fox,而是一只小熊猫!!

…they opted for an animal that was not well known on the web at the time. It was the red panda. Unfortunately, people thought that the animal on the Mozilla Firefox logo was a fox. This “firefox” is actually a red panda which is a protected species in Asia. A mistake when translating red panda from Chinese to English is how we got firefox.
The Story Behind the Mozilla Firefox Logo (
Firefox 官推大概是最大的小熊猫粉丝聚集地,官推经常发一些萌萌哒小熊猫吸粉(划掉)

不过从 Firefox 取名的历程来说(Phoenix 到 Firebird 再到 Firefox),Mozilla 一开始估计还是把它当作狐狸的,官方(或者是小编)对于它到底是狐狸还是小熊猫有时表现得很暧昧,比如这里又说它是狐狸:


假期去成都熊猫基地,一直小熊猫刚好从我脚边溜过,简直萌到爆炸 (●’◡’●)
